"Diana" is a captivating collaboration between Kenyan artist Bahati and Rwandan singer Bruce Melodie. This vibrant song combines elements of Afropop and Bongo Flava, creating a catchy and energetic track. Released as a part of Bahati's album "Love Like This," "Diana" tells a tale of love and admiration for a captivating woman named Diana.
The song features infectious melodies, rhythmic beats, and the smooth vocal delivery of both artists, resulting in a feel-good anthem. Bahati's soulful vocals complement Bruce Melodie's melodic prowess, creating a harmonious blend that keeps listeners hooked from start to finish. "Diana" is a testament to the cross-cultural collaboration and musical talent of Bahati and Bruce Melodie, showcasing their ability to create an irresistible and memorable song.
Audio MP3 | Bahati Ft Bruce Melodie - Diana | Download