Toledo Kuleuven: How to Access Ku Leuven Toledo Central



Toledo Kuleuven: How  to Access Ku Leuven Toledo Central

Toledo is the common virtual learning environment for the Association KU Leuven.

KU Leuven is an institution for research and education located in Belgium with international appeal. All programs at this University are based on the innovative research of its scientists and professors.

How to log into toledo kuleuven

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your username.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Click on “Login”.


I have enrolled at the KU Leuven but I’m unable to log in to Toledo

As a student, you normally get access to Toledo 48h after your enrollment at the KU Leuven. However, it is possible that you do not yet see any courses or communities (see next question/answer for more information).
As the staff of the KU Leuven, you normally get access to Toledo one month prior to the start of your official contract.
If you do not have access to Toledo after the above-mentioned dates, please do not hesitate to contact your local helpdesk

I can log in to Toledo but I do not see any courses or communities

For students: there is a link between your ISP (KULoket) and Toledo. Because of this link, you are automatically enrolled in the necessary courses and communities in the system.

Where can I find my timetable?

The Toledo webpage has a feature named Timetable on the right-hand side (uurrooster). This module will provide the schedule for your next three practica. You can access the timetable application inside KU Loket by clicking the link Full timetable (Volledige uurrooster). Your timeline is based on your ISP and is only accessible after it has been completed.

I can log in to Toledo but I can’t access certain courses of communities

Several things may be the cause of this problem.

The most common cause for this problem is the fact that the course or community has not been made available (yet) by the instructor of the course or community. Unavailable courses or communities are shown as grey tiles or rows (depending on how you have chosen to view your enrollments). Unavailable courses and communities can’t be clicked on and opened by students.

You can switch between a tile view and a list view by using the toggle.

Because the instructor is responsible for making a course of community available, you need to contact this person. By clicking on the icon with three dots some extra information is shown which contains a list of the instructors.

Another possible cause is that you have filtered your enrollments. As an example, you could have chosen to only show your favorite courses. In the drop-down menu above your enrollments, you can see whether or not you have selected one or more filters and disable these.
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